Our Projects

Environmental Services understands that each client is unique and customized solutions will be needed. We discuss extensively the scope of work with our clients and their timeframe for completion. Providing a cost effective and timely solution for each project is our ultimate goal. 

This project included lining the inside of a vacuum box with a UN-rated waste bag to empty an acid from a bulk tank for transport and disposal. Using totes would have driven the cost of disposal up.  Using a lined tanker would have resulted in higher costs and longer lead times. We also filtered out the tank solids to avoid the potential of the load being rejected at the terminating facility.  We were able to reduce the overall cost to the customer by considering alternative processes of tank contents removal, transportation and disposal.

This generator was required to meet EPA timelines to remove 1,600 tons of material off-site for disposal within 90 days.  Environmental Services was able to complete the project in 60 days allowing the generator to complete their reporting and get the necessary project closure well before the EPA timeline.

This generator had tried for over six months to transport and dispose of over 800 tons of contaminated demolition debris yet had only shipped 125 tons (15.6%) during that period.  With an EPA mandated deadline of 30 days for complete removal of the material, Environmental Services was able to transport and dispose of 675 tons (84.4%) in 23 days at the same price and avoided all penalties and fines. 

This customer is a Large Quantity Generator (LQG) who selected Environmental Services to handle their waste disposal.  We provide same-day service to include final labeling, transportation and disposal.  We take on the responsibility of keeping them within their LQG shipping requirements, ensuring that all drums are properly labeled and fit to ship.

This generator was preparing a secondary location for sale they had been leasing to a small business owner.  When the tenant left unexpectedly the customer was left with drums and tanks of waste materials that they had limited knowledge of.  Environmental Services worked with the property owner and the Department of Natural Resources to develop and implement a plan to correct non-compliance issues, properly identify and characterize the materials and safely dispose of all remaining waste so that the building could be sold. 

This customer had sensitive files stored in a basement that was very damp.  Over time, mold grew on almost all of the documents.  Fixed site and mobile shredding companies did not want the material as they would need to destroy or decontaminate their shredding equipment.  Replacement of those machines or decontamination would be expensive and potentially harmful.  The generator also had a requirement of secure and complete destruction of the files.  Environmental Services was able to ensure confidentiality during the packaging, transportation and disposal process and chose a disposal method that guaranteed complete destruction.

This generator had a tank with over three feet of solids as hard as concrete that was used as a waste tank for over 10 years.  Other vendors proposed cleaning projects that were estimated to total over $15,000.00.  In conjunction with the generator, Environmental Services was able to complete the project for 30% less, including testing and disposal.

Proper waste characterization is the number one area of need for most generators.  Due to lack of training and experience, many generators prefer assistance from Environmental Services to properly identify and characterize their waste streams to avoid improper handling, transportation and disposal of their waste.  As some in the industry try to distance themselves from this service, Environmental Services believes it to be a necessary safety precaution as well as potential cost savings to pass onto the generator.  With the EPA allowing "Generator Knowledge" as a means of waste determination, it is important to work with a company who is responsible to the entire chain in the process of identifying, handling, transporting and disposing of hazardous and non-hazardous waste.